Friday, July 5, 2013

Sleepless Evening

I drop like
wet snow into
the gasoline gutters
and my hard leather
tongue cannot crease the
words which weigh with
tasteless season
empty in the longest reach
heavy in the shortest breath
bleeding into tonight’s
new fall
I wander without
looking or leaving
from this evening’s sleeping shadow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


These plaster walls are cracking and crumbling faster than my eyes can track. The faucets are screaming and bursting with thirsty disaster, casting a sharp pang that stings in my stomach. It’s the fear, it steers through my false hopes and it ropes down my spine, climbing into the voids left by my theft and moral crimes. I’ve sinned too much for a lunch to settle. I’ve meddled too much to mend the frays and I’ll pay until the end of time.